API and Web Service Introduction
Includes API, Web Services using ReST, JSON, XML, HTTP, SOAP, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Postman and Python
Includes API, Web Services using ReST, JSON, XML, HTTP, SOAP, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Postman and Python
6,5 часов видео!
Чему вы научитесь
- Введение в API и RESTful веб-сервисы. Включая HTTP, JSON, XML, REST, SOAP, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Postman, and Python. Включая примеры и задание.
- Предварительных знаний не требуется, только желание учиться.
Learn all about APIs and RESTful Web Services the easy way! This includes the BIG PICTURE, with ALL the main components of APIs. Topics covered include: API (of course), Web Service, JSON, XML, HTTP, REST, SOAP, OAuth, OpenID Connect, and examples in Postman and Python. AND we have plenty of exercises so you can solidify what you've learned!
Для кого этот курс:
- You want to learn about at least one or ALL of the following subjects: API, Web Service, JSON, XML, HTTP, REST, SOAP, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Postman, Python
Последнее обновление: 4/2020
Язык: Английский
Субтитры: Английский, Итальянский, Французский
Содержание курса
06:12 | API Exercise 1 09:10 | API Exercise 2 03:49 | API Details 05:48 | API Details Example 04:31 | API Mashup 02:55
–Web Service 03:48
What is a Web Service? 03:07 | API and Web Service Conclusion 00:41
–HTTP 35:15
Introduction to HTTP 13:09 | HTTP Exercise 01:05 | HTTP Parts 00:24 | HTTP Start Line 08:12 | HTTP Start Line Exercise 01:03 | HTTP Headers 05:08 | HTTP Headers Exercise 00:26 | HTTP Blank Line 00:29 | HTTP Body 03:21 | HTTP Body Exercise 01:58
XML Introduction 10:04 | XML Exercise 00:34
–JSON 13:20
JSON Introduction 10:35 | JSON Exercise 00:37 | XML JSON Comparison 02:08
–SOAP 13:19
SOAP REST Comparison 00:58 | SOAP Introduction 04:07 | SOAP Example 06:40 | SOAP Exercise 01:34
REST Introduction Part One 22:57 | REST Introduction Part Two 01:52 | REST Example (Call EBay API) 05:50 | REST Example (Create Twitter App) 29:12 | REST Exercise 00:56
–API Access 01:05:41
HTTPS 01:25 | Authentication and Authorization 04:37 | Apps 17:15 | OAuth 17:01 | Advanced Topic: OAuth Authorization Code Grant 19:31 | Advanced Topic: OpenID Connect 03:38 | Exercise: API Access Definitions 02:14
–API Examples 01:04:18
Postman Installation 03:39 | Postman Simple Example 04:11 | No Authentication 05:34 | Basic Authentication 07:31 | Digest Authentication 07:26 | Bearer Token 10:19 | OAuth 16:12 | Postman Exercise 00:15 | Python 09:11
–Extras 01:15:53
Create an API (Amazon Web Services) 54:14 | Calling APIs Using Programming Languages 01:37 | Webhooks 06:18 | Microservices 08:56 | What's Next/After This Course 04:48
–Conclusion 01:34
Conclusion 01:34
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