- Covers all aspects of making a presentation, from preparation to delivery
- Provides the tools to succeed in your next project interview
- Presents guidelines for capturing an audience and creating a "stage presence"
Find the concise, practical business information you need right now in the Architect's Essentials of Professional Practice Series. These authoritative guides quickly make you an instant expert on the best business practices crucial for success in today's design and construction professions. Each portable, affordable, user-friendly volume gives you:
- Authoritative advice from leading national figures
- Flip-and-find access to critical business topics
- Bulleted lists and callout boxes for quick reference
- Clear, insightful explanations of complex business topics
Written by a leading expert in the field, Architect's Essentials of Presentation Skills is an indispensable guide for architects, landscape architects, interior designers, and students of these professions.
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