Multidisciplinary resource for graduate studies and the biotechnology industry
Knowledge of the genetic basis of biological functioning continues to grow at an astronomical rate, as do the challenges and opportunities of applying this information to the production of therapeutic compounds, specialty biochemicals, functional food ingredients, environmentally friendly biocatalysts, and new bioproducts from renewable resources. While genetic engineering of living organisms transforms the science of genomics into treatments for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, or products for industry and agriculture, the science and technology of bioseparations are the keys to delivering these products in a purified form suitable for use by people.
The methods, theory, and materials that reduce the science of bioseparations to practice, whether in the laboratory or the plant, are the subjects of Bioseparations Engineering. Examples address purification of biomolecules ranging from recombinant proteins to gene therapy products, with footnotes detailing economics of the products. Mechanistic analysis and engineering design methods are given for:
A result of teaching and developing the subject matter over ten years, Bioseparations Engineering is an ideal text for graduate students, as well as a timely desk book for process engineers, process scientists, researchers, and research associates in the pharmaceutical, food, and life sciences industries.Die Bioseparationstechnik ist eine multidisziplinäre Anwendung technischer und biologischer Prinzipien zum Design von Adsorptionsmitteln, Systemen und Prozessen für die Trennung von Biomolekülen. Dieses praxisorientierte Buch will vor allem Biochemiker und Chemiker anhand zahlreicher Beispiele und Fallstudien in die industrielle Umsetzung der Verfahren einführen. Neben den naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen werden auch ökonomische Aspekte wie die Abschätzung von Kosten einzelner Prozeduren ausführlich besprochen.
Формат: Скан PDf
Knowledge of the genetic basis of biological functioning continues to grow at an astronomical rate, as do the challenges and opportunities of applying this information to the production of therapeutic compounds, specialty biochemicals, functional food ingredients, environmentally friendly biocatalysts, and new bioproducts from renewable resources. While genetic engineering of living organisms transforms the science of genomics into treatments for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, or products for industry and agriculture, the science and technology of bioseparations are the keys to delivering these products in a purified form suitable for use by people.
The methods, theory, and materials that reduce the science of bioseparations to practice, whether in the laboratory or the plant, are the subjects of Bioseparations Engineering. Examples address purification of biomolecules ranging from recombinant proteins to gene therapy products, with footnotes detailing economics of the products. Mechanistic analysis and engineering design methods are given for:
- Isocratic and gradient chromatography
- Sedimentation, centrifugation, and filtration
- Membrane systems
- Precipitation and crystallization
A result of teaching and developing the subject matter over ten years, Bioseparations Engineering is an ideal text for graduate students, as well as a timely desk book for process engineers, process scientists, researchers, and research associates in the pharmaceutical, food, and life sciences industries.Die Bioseparationstechnik ist eine multidisziplinäre Anwendung technischer und biologischer Prinzipien zum Design von Adsorptionsmitteln, Systemen und Prozessen für die Trennung von Biomolekülen. Dieses praxisorientierte Buch will vor allem Biochemiker und Chemiker anhand zahlreicher Beispiele und Fallstudien in die industrielle Umsetzung der Verfahren einführen. Neben den naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen werden auch ökonomische Aspekte wie die Abschätzung von Kosten einzelner Prozeduren ausführlich besprochen.
Формат: Скан PDf