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Придбаний Книга Christ's Victory Over Evil: Biblical Theology And Pastoral Ministry (Пітер Г. Болт)

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Тип покупки: Складчина
Ціна: 1037 ГРН
Учасників: 0 з 15
Організатор: Відсутній
Статус: Набір учасників
Внесок: 71.9 ГРН
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The Lord Jesus Christ has won the victory: this is the objective reality that should inform Christian thinking about every aspect of human life. Even as we contemplate the presence of evil and the demonic in our world, the gospel whispers in our ears the greatest victory this world has ever seen, and ever will: 'Christ is risen!' However, the presence of evil, or our fear of the demonic, can stifle the gospel whisper. Throughout Christian history, the relationship between Christians and the forces of evil has been examined from a variety of perspectives; and recent missional studies and pastoral practices have stimulated further discussion. This volume, based on the 2008 Moore College School of Theology, seeks to listen below the present clamour drawing attention to the demonic, in order to hear the whisper of the gospel message more clearly, and to explore the power and victory it promises - even in the face of evil powers. The contributors are Tony Payne, Peter Bolt, Bill Salier, Matthew Jensen, Mark Thompson, Constantine Campbell, Greg Anderson, Jonathan Lilley and Donald West.

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