There are, unfortunately, very few architects around who can touch as many bases as Doug Kelbaugh, with such authority. When you add to that his commitment to, and knowledge of, his local venue, you have a rare and potent mixture. -- Alan J. Plattus, Yale University, coeditor of Architecture and Urbanism Common Place is written with such exquisite clarity and confidence, it is easy to overlook that Doug Kelbaugh is arguing for nothing less than a fundamental reconsideration of contemporary American planning. -- Don Prowler, Princeton University This is two books in one. One is the most sophisticated presentation of the New Urbanism to be found anywhere. The other describes the most remarkable series of charrettes ever applied to a city. There isn't much more that a modern planner needs to know. -- Andres Duany, co-founder, Congress for the New Urbanism Doug Kelbaugh has a sparkle in his eye and a vision in his heart, but dirt under his fingernails. He is a scholar and a dreamer, but also a builder. Common Place defines the cutting edge of urban design in the real world. -- Denis Hayes, President and CEO, Bullitt Foundation, and founder of Earth Day With an aim at interactive, creative physical designs for neighborhood, city, and region, this is a book every politician, citizen in an urban action group, and corporate manager should possess. For environmental design courses at academic institutions, it provides proactive and universal design methodologies using the great Seattle region as a laboratory. -- Donald Leslie Johnson, University of South Australia
Common Place is about how we can develop community and create convivial and sustainable places in the face of disjointed and fast-paced growth. It offers strategies for reclaiming and repairing our neighborhoods and cities, which today are increasingly dominated by fear and disintegration and the automobile. Kelbaugh looks at New Urbanism, Urban Villages, Pedestrian Pockets, and Transit-Oriented Development — concepts which he helped pioneer. Bridging academic theory and on-the-ground practice, Common Place is an indispensable book for designers, planners, city officials, developers, environmentalists, and citizens interested in understanding and shaping the American metropolis.
"A welcome addition to the literature on the creation of sustainable, diverse, and coherent communities. . . . [the book] deserves a much wider audience of planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, public officials, developers, and citizens concerned with growth management, regional planning, transportation, and neighborhood revitlization."
" - Journal of the American Planning Association
"Many of the book’s ideas have already been influential in the Seattle area. For designers and planners elsewhere, Common Place represents a valuable contribution towards development of a sustainable design vision."
" - The Urban Ecologist
Формат: Скан PDf
Common Place is about how we can develop community and create convivial and sustainable places in the face of disjointed and fast-paced growth. It offers strategies for reclaiming and repairing our neighborhoods and cities, which today are increasingly dominated by fear and disintegration and the automobile. Kelbaugh looks at New Urbanism, Urban Villages, Pedestrian Pockets, and Transit-Oriented Development — concepts which he helped pioneer. Bridging academic theory and on-the-ground practice, Common Place is an indispensable book for designers, planners, city officials, developers, environmentalists, and citizens interested in understanding and shaping the American metropolis.
"A welcome addition to the literature on the creation of sustainable, diverse, and coherent communities. . . . [the book] deserves a much wider audience of planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, public officials, developers, and citizens concerned with growth management, regional planning, transportation, and neighborhood revitlization."
" - Journal of the American Planning Association
"Many of the book’s ideas have already been influential in the Seattle area. For designers and planners elsewhere, Common Place represents a valuable contribution towards development of a sustainable design vision."
" - The Urban Ecologist
Формат: Скан PDf