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Придбаний Книга Digital Strategies for Powerful Corporate Communications (Кортні Барнс)

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Тип покупки: Складчина
Ціна: 2851 ГРН
Учасників: 0 з 15
Організатор: Відсутній
Статус: Набір учасників
Внесок: 197.7 ГРН
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The explosion of blogs, social networkingsites, wikis, video sharing sites, and otherpowerful digital communications platformsmay be the biggest game-changer to impactbusiness since mechanized manufacturing. In today’s Web 2.0 world, company stakeholders--including employees, customers,and investors--are empowered in waysunimaginable just a few years ago, andtraditional corporate hierarchies areyesterday’s news.
Rather than attempt to turn back the clockand reassert strict, top-down control overstakeholder relationships, the smartestcompanies worldwide are responding withbold new digital communications strategiesbased on transparency, authenticity, andinclusion, instead of secrecy, artificiality,and exclusion.
International corporate communicationsguru Paul A. Argenti provides a lively, up-to-the-minute review of the Web 2.0 landscapeand analyzes the increasingly central rolecorporate communications plays in virtuallyevery organizational function. Argenti andcoauthor Courtney Barnes advise corporateleaders on how to deploy proven strategiesfor using new and emerging digitalplatforms to
  • Manage brand identity andcompany reputation
  • Build a culture of engagementand transparency
  • Turn stakeholders into“company evangelists”
  • Manage internal communications acrosstime zones and language barriers
  • Recruit and retain the best talent
  • Develop compelling messages based oncustomer and investor needs and desires
Argenti and Barnes provide case studiesillustrating digital communications bestpractices at HP, Southwest Airlines, Sony,Dell, IBM, Starbucks, HBO, FedEx, GE, andother major players.
This groundbreaking book will teach youhow to gain real, manageable control overyour organization’s communications intoday’s virtual world.

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