Covering the whole spectrum of vibration theory and itsapplications in both civil and mechanical engineering, Mechanicaland Structural Vibrations provides the most comprehensive treatmentof the subject currently available. Based on the author s manyyears of experience in both academe and industry, it is designed tofunction equally well as both a day-to-day working resource forpracticing engineers and a superior upper-level undergraduate orgraduate-level text.
Features a quick-reference format that, Mechanical and StructuralVibrations gives engineers instant access to the specific theory orapplication they need. Saves valuable time ordinarily spent wadingthrough unrelated or extraneous material. And, while they arethoroughly integrated throughout the text, applications to bothcivil and mechanical engineering are organized into sections thatpermit the reader to reference only the material germane to his orher field.
Students and teachers will appreciate the book's practical,real-world approach to the subject, its emphasis on simplicity andaccuracy of analytical techniques, and its straightforward,step-by-step delineation of all numerical methods used incalculating the dynamics and vibrations problems, as well as thenumerous examples with which the author illustrates those methods.They will also appreciate the many chapter-end practice problems(solutions appear in appendices) designed to help them rapidlydevelop mastery of all concepts and methods covered.
Readers will find many versatile new concepts and analyticaltechniques not covered in other texts, including nonlinearanalysis, inelastic response of structural and mechanicalcomponents of uniform and variable stiffness, the "dynamic hinge,""dynamically equivalent systems," and other breakthrough tools andtechniques developed by the author and his collaborators.
Mechanical and Structural Vibrations is both an excellent text forcourses in structural dynamics, dynamic systems, and engineeringvibration and a valuable tool of the trade for practicing engineersworking in a broad range of industries, from electronic packagingto aerospace.
Timely, comprehensive, practical--a superior student text and anindispensable working resource for busy engineers
Mechanical and Structural Vibrations is the first text to cover theentire spectrum of vibration theory and its applications in bothcivil and mechanical engineering. Written by an author with over aquarter century of experience as a teacher and practicing engineer,it is designed to function equally well as a working professionalresource and an upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level textfor courses in structural dynamics, dynamic systems, andengineering vibrations. Mechanical and Structural Vibrations:
Features a quick-reference format that, Mechanical and StructuralVibrations gives engineers instant access to the specific theory orapplication they need. Saves valuable time ordinarily spent wadingthrough unrelated or extraneous material. And, while they arethoroughly integrated throughout the text, applications to bothcivil and mechanical engineering are organized into sections thatpermit the reader to reference only the material germane to his orher field.
Students and teachers will appreciate the book's practical,real-world approach to the subject, its emphasis on simplicity andaccuracy of analytical techniques, and its straightforward,step-by-step delineation of all numerical methods used incalculating the dynamics and vibrations problems, as well as thenumerous examples with which the author illustrates those methods.They will also appreciate the many chapter-end practice problems(solutions appear in appendices) designed to help them rapidlydevelop mastery of all concepts and methods covered.
Readers will find many versatile new concepts and analyticaltechniques not covered in other texts, including nonlinearanalysis, inelastic response of structural and mechanicalcomponents of uniform and variable stiffness, the "dynamic hinge,""dynamically equivalent systems," and other breakthrough tools andtechniques developed by the author and his collaborators.
Mechanical and Structural Vibrations is both an excellent text forcourses in structural dynamics, dynamic systems, and engineeringvibration and a valuable tool of the trade for practicing engineersworking in a broad range of industries, from electronic packagingto aerospace.
Timely, comprehensive, practical--a superior student text and anindispensable working resource for busy engineers
Mechanical and Structural Vibrations is the first text to cover theentire spectrum of vibration theory and its applications in bothcivil and mechanical engineering. Written by an author with over aquarter century of experience as a teacher and practicing engineer,it is designed to function equally well as a working professionalresource and an upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level textfor courses in structural dynamics, dynamic systems, andengineering vibrations. Mechanical and Structural Vibrations:
- Takes a practical, application-oriented approach to the subject
- Features a quick-reference format that gives busy professionalsinstant access to the information needed for the task at hand
- Walks readers, step-by-step, through the numerical methods usedin calculating the dynamics and vibration problems
- Introduces many cutting-edge concepts and analytical tools notcovered in other texts
- Is packed with real-world examples covering everything from thestresses and strains on buildings during an earthquake to thoseaffecting a space craft during lift-off
- Contains chapter-end problems--and solutions--that help studentsrapidly develop mastery of all important concepts and methodscovered
- Is extremely well-illustrated and includes more than 300diagrams, tables, charts, illustrations, and more