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Придбаний Книга Newsletter Design: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creative Publications (Едвард А. Гамільтон)

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Тип покупки: Складчина
Ціна: 2524 ГРН
Учасників: 0 з 15
Організатор: Відсутній
Статус: Набір учасників
Внесок: 175 ГРН
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Newsletter Design A Step-by-Step Guide to Creative Publications"Make it dramatic. Make it readable. Make it believable." Words ofadvice to those who plan, design, or edit newsletters from theauthor of Newsletter Design, Edward A. Hamilton. Follow the adviceof this designer of world-renowned publications and your newsletterwill never land in the junk-mail pile. You'll learn techniques usedby the most successful publications to attract readers and rivettheir attention. Included in this step-by-step guide:
  • Planning visual content
  • Fast-paced journalistic writing
  • Forceful page layout
  • Eye-catching graphics
  • Strong, clear typography
  • Powerful photojournalism
  • Cost-wise production
From selecting a name, logotype, and cover design to going onpress, every element of producing a stand-out newsletter isexplained step-by-step in clear language. Principles are expressedin simple terms that apply equally to desktop publishing ortraditional T-square and typewriter. Layouts that are cluttered andcomplex--or bland and austere--can sabotage even the best editorialideas. The author shows you how to avoid the stock, "off-the-shelflook". You'll learn to master simple but powerful page layout,sparkling typography that promotes clarity, strength and elegance.you'll learn how to edit and design with compelling journalisticphotographs and vivid graphics. In addition, the book introduces atwelve-part grid design that not only opens up new creativepossibilities and relief from the standard three-column page, itworks perfectly with computer coordinates. There's plenty ofsupport for desktop publishers using WordPerfect, Lotus, Adobe, andQuark. You'll get tips for spicing up your pages with tables,charts, graphs, pictographs, and maps, using simple softwareprograms. It's all here. From logotype to printed pages, you won'tfind a more readable, on-the-money guide to designing newsletters.

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