A comprehensive guide to state-of-the-art phased array-basedsystems and applications
First developed in 1937 to help improve communication links betweenthe United States and the United Kingdom, phased arrays haveevolved far beyond their original purpose. In addition to theirvalue in radio communications, phased arrays are now a vitalcomponent in national defense, space exploration, astronomy, andelectronic warfare.
Phased Array-Based Systems and Applications was written forresearchers and engineers with a professional interest in phasedarray-based systems. Timely, authoritative, and comprehensive, itdiscusses the most current uses of phased arrays (operating at cmand mm wavelengths) in radar, radio astronomy, remote sensing,electronic warfare, spectrum surveillance, and communications. Thisexploration of systems that share the same principles and performsimilar functions helps phased array users in all these fieldslearn more about the systems and applications in which theyspecialize. More important, the complementary nature of a varietyof sensors is emphasized throughout the book.
While his consistent focus is on practical applications, the authoralso provides generous coverage of basic theoretical principles tohelp readers understand the systems trade-offs made in the designof various phased arrays.
An indispensable professional resource for radar and antennaengineers, Phased Array-Based Systems and Applications is also asuperior graduate-level text for students in these fields.
Формат: Скан PDf
First developed in 1937 to help improve communication links betweenthe United States and the United Kingdom, phased arrays haveevolved far beyond their original purpose. In addition to theirvalue in radio communications, phased arrays are now a vitalcomponent in national defense, space exploration, astronomy, andelectronic warfare.
Phased Array-Based Systems and Applications was written forresearchers and engineers with a professional interest in phasedarray-based systems. Timely, authoritative, and comprehensive, itdiscusses the most current uses of phased arrays (operating at cmand mm wavelengths) in radar, radio astronomy, remote sensing,electronic warfare, spectrum surveillance, and communications. Thisexploration of systems that share the same principles and performsimilar functions helps phased array users in all these fieldslearn more about the systems and applications in which theyspecialize. More important, the complementary nature of a varietyof sensors is emphasized throughout the book.
While his consistent focus is on practical applications, the authoralso provides generous coverage of basic theoretical principles tohelp readers understand the systems trade-offs made in the designof various phased arrays.
An indispensable professional resource for radar and antennaengineers, Phased Array-Based Systems and Applications is also asuperior graduate-level text for students in these fields.
Формат: Скан PDf