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Придбаний Книга Programming for Design: From Theory to Practice (Едіт Черрі)

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Тип покупки: Складчина
Ціна: 4987 ГРН
Учасників: 0 з 15
Організатор: Відсутній
Статус: Набір учасників
Внесок: 345.8 ГРН
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Quickly master architectural programming concepts, skills, and techniques

In the essential discipline of architectural programming, the ideas of philosophy, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and history find their focus in the realities of site conditions, budgets, and functionality. Author Edith Cherry vividly demonstrates in this inspiring tutorial that the programming process not only helps architects avoid the endless design revisions occurring in most projects, but that it is also the key to designing for optimal form and function.

Programming for Design lets you rapidly acquire the knowledge and skills needed to successfully program a moderate-size space. Rather than simply describe basic principles and practices, this straightforward guide helps you master architectural programming by actually doing it.

Professor Cherry identifies the central issues involved and describes the skills needed to work with clients to identify problems to be solved by a design effort. Emphasizing designing for people, she offers proven strategies and techniques for goal setting, information gathering and analysis, concept development, program synthesis, and communicating with clients.

The book is also devoted to practical applications. The author walks you step-by-step through a project of your own choosing, providing numerous examples and four case studies within each step that vividly illustrate how to effectively gather, process, and communicate information.

Programming for Design features more than 200 supporting illustrations, diagrams, and sidebars appearing throughout the text, reproducing pithy sayings by such far-flung figures as Plato and Yogi Berra, Einstein and Lao Tzu, that help relate the programming process to other disciplines.Informationssammlung, Datenanalyse und Entwicklung eines Konzepts - das sind die wesentlichen Teilschritte der Definition eines architektonischen Problems, ob es sich nun um den Neubau eines Wohnhauses oder die Renovierung eines Bürogebäudes handelt. Und ein sorgfältig erstelltes Programm ist die Voraussetzung für den Erfolg eines jeden Projektes! Geschrieben von einer erfahrenen Designerin und Dozentin, behandelt dieses Buch im 1. Teil die theoretische und im 2. Teil die praktische Seite. Außerdem gibt es umfassende Informationen zu Techniken und neuen Entwicklungen (z.B. Videodatenanalyse) sowie praktische Tips und mehr als 200 Zeichnungen und Diagramme zur Veranschaulichung des Textes. (01/99)

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