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Тип покупки: Складчина
Ціна: 13800 ГРН
Учасників: 0 з 15
Організатор: Відсутній
Статус: Набір учасників
Внесок: 956.8 ГРН
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A comprehensive introduction to radar principles

This volume fills a need in industry and universities for a comprehensive introductory text on radar principles. Well-organized and pedagogically driven, this book focuses on basic and optimum methods of realizing radar operations, covers modern applications, and provides a detailed, sophisticated mathematical treatment. Author Peyton Z. Peebles, Jr., draws on an extensive review of existing radar literature to present a selection of the most fundamental topics. He clearly explains general principles, such as wave propagation and signal theory, before advancing to more complex topics involving aspects of measurement and tracking. The last chapter provides a self-contained treatment of digital signal processing, which can be explored independently. Ample teaching and self-study help is incorporated throughout, including:
  • Numerous worked-out examples illustrating radar theory
  • Many end-of-chapter problems
  • Hundreds of illustrations, including system block diagrams, demonstrating how radar functions are achieved
  • Appended review material and useful mathematical formulas
  • An extensive bibliography and references.
*An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.

Radar Principles is destined to become the standard text on radar for graduate and senior-level courses in electrical engineering departments as well as industrial courses. It is also an excellent reference for engineers who are typically required to learn radar principles on the job, and for anyone working in radar-related industries as well as in aerospace and naval research.
Ein umfassender Überblick über die Literatur auf dem Gebiet der Radarsysteme. Der relativ stark mathematikorientierte Ansatz eignet sich für fortgeschrittene Studenten des Elektroingenieurwesens. Ergänzt wird der Text durch zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben, ein Lösungsband ist geplant. (8/98)

Формат: Скан PDf