From the heliocentric controversy and evolution, to debates on biotechnology and the environment, this book offers a balanced introduction to the key issues in science and religion.
- A balanced, introductory textbook which fully spans the interface between science and religion, and includes illustrations of scientific concepts throughout
- Explores key historical issues, including the heliocentric controversy, and evolution, but also topics of current importance, such as biotechnology and environmental issues
- Appendices include a wide range of biblical readings; excerpts from early philosophers, theologians and scientists, including Aristotle, Aquinas, Hume, Kant, Galileo, Newton, and Darwin; and short works from twentieth and twenty-first century scientists and theologians
- Accessibly structured in to sections covering cosmology, evolution, and ethics in a scientific age
- Provides significant coverage of scientific information and balanced explanations of the key debates for introductory students