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Набір учасників [Kyiv Academy of Media Arts] Visual arts for music (Cristiana Figueiredo)

Інформація про покупку
Тип покупки: Складчина
Ціна: 16500 ГРН
Учасників: 0 з 40
Організатор: Відсутній
Статус: Набір учасників
Внесок: 429 ГРН
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Курс проходитиме англійською мовою

This course is designed to help individuals merge music and visual arts by exploring techniques for creating captivating visuals for music, covering areas like music videos, graphic design, live visuals, and merchandising, ultimately enhancing both creativity and technical skills while offering industry insights.

The course provides a deep exploration of various techniques and concepts that enable you to create captivating visuals for music, exploring music videos, graphic design, live visuals, merchandising, and other visual aspects around a campaign. The course is structured into modules, each exploring a specific aspect of music visuals. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge, practical exercises, and hands-on projects, creating a learning experience that improves creative instincts and technical skills.
Additionally, valuable insights into the industry will be shared, empowering people in the pursuit of opportunities within the dynamic field of music visuals.
The course was designed for illustrators, graphic designers, motion designers, musicians, video editors, and others with interest in the music world.
The course will be held in English.

Програма курсу

  1. Understanding the connection between music and visuals.

    Presentation → The promotion in the music world → How to build a campaign → The connection between the album/ep and the visuals and graphics we create → Practical examples
  2. Moodboarding for visual inspiration.

    Tell a story in different formats → How to tell a story of a song? → Tell a story through a music video → Tell a story through an artwork/illustration → Tell a story through graphic design → Presentation of the project for the next classes
  3. Storytelling through visuals.

    What can we create for a campaign? → How should we start? → The creation of a moodboard → How to present and explain your moodboard and ideas → Conceptualize your ideas → Assembling your presentation
  4. Developing a storyboard for animated music videos.

    Animated music video: how to start? → How to put your story and moodboard on a storyboard? → The line of the storyboard → First sketches → Building the world for the video → Animation in different styles → Let’s make 3D → Design and animation of a music poster → Let’s animate a cover artwork
  5. Live visuals and immersive experiences.

    Practical class about the process to animate a cover artwork for Apple Music → How to create a visual immersive experience
  6. Graphic design for music.

    How to use illustration on communication → Storytelling → Analyze the song → Give your vision
  7. Collaboration and industry insights.

    Merchandising in the music world → Collaboration and industry insights → How to promote your work