Master Lightroom and Photoshop CC: Improve Food Photography
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Цена на момент создания темы: 782 руб. (12$)
Цена на момент покупки составила 847 руб. (13$)
Содержание курса
Раздел: 1
You will be able to make your photos look great after finishing this course
1. Introduction - what to expect from this course?
Раздел: 2
Lightroom - Phase one of working on your pictures - sometimes the only one
Photoshop — retouching
Saving and publishing your pictures
Bonus lectures - Case studies and resources
Раздел: 1
You will be able to make your photos look great after finishing this course
1. Introduction - what to expect from this course?
Раздел: 2
Lightroom - Phase one of working on your pictures - sometimes the only one
- Importing pictures to the Lightroom
- Download pictures used in this course
- Keyboard shotcuts, modules, views, panels, zooming
- How to effectively select your best pictures?
- What to use labels for?
- Arrange Your pictures in collections - make Your future work more easy
- Cropping and straightening pictures
- White balance
- Basic adjustments or rather Essential Adjustments
- Local, selective editing - part 1
- Local, selective editing - part 2
- Local, selective editing - part 3
- Spot removal
- Hue, Saturation, Luminance - solving different issues in the pictures
- Food pictures can look great in Black and White too!
- Sharpening in Lightroom - while editing and exporting pictures
- Noise reduction
- Lens Corrections - Removing Imperfections of Your Lens
- Exporting photos - for retouching in Photoshop
Photoshop — retouching
- Layers and Layer Mask - whats that?
- Selecting objects with different tools
- Selecting with Quick Mask and modifying selections
- Selecting and modifying selections using channels
- Shaping selections
- Shaping with Liquify Filter
- Removing spots, dust & scratches - Part 1
- Removing spots, dust & scratches - Part 2
- Adjustment Layers - adjustments in a smart way
- Changing the background - part 1
- Changing the background - part 2
- Sharpening (global and selective)
- Focus repair
- Blurring parts of the picture (shallow depth of field)
- Converting to Black and White
- Image Size & Canvas Size
Saving and publishing your pictures
- Different file formats for different purposes
- Preparing Pictures for the Internet (social media, blog, websites...)
Bonus lectures - Case studies and resources
- Pimp my cheeseburger! Part 1
- Pimp my cheeseburger! Part 2
- Pimp my cheeseburger! Part 3
- Simple lighting setup with the light from one side (window)
- Conclusion
Скрытое содержимое.
Цена на момент создания темы: 782 руб. (12$)
Цена на момент покупки составила 847 руб. (13$)