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Придбаний Master Lightroom and Photoshop CC: Improve Food Photography

Інформація про покупку
Тип покупки: Складчина
Ціна: 565 ГРН
Учасників: 0 з 50
Організатор: Відсутній
Статус: Набір учасників
Внесок: 11.8 ГРН
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Master Lightroom and Photoshop CC: Improve Food Photography

Содержание курса

Раздел: 1
You will be able to make your photos look great after finishing this course
1. Introduction - what to expect from this course?

Раздел: 2
Lightroom - Phase one of working on your pictures - sometimes the only one
  1. Importing pictures to the Lightroom
  2. Download pictures used in this course
  3. Keyboard shotcuts, modules, views, panels, zooming
  4. How to effectively select your best pictures?
  5. What to use labels for?
  6. Arrange Your pictures in collections - make Your future work more easy
  7. Cropping and straightening pictures
  8. White balance
  9. Basic adjustments or rather Essential Adjustments
  10. Local, selective editing - part 1
  11. Local, selective editing - part 2
  12. Local, selective editing - part 3
  13. Spot removal
  14. Hue, Saturation, Luminance - solving different issues in the pictures
  15. Food pictures can look great in Black and White too!
  16. Sharpening in Lightroom - while editing and exporting pictures
  17. Noise reduction
  18. Lens Corrections - Removing Imperfections of Your Lens
  19. Exporting photos - for retouching in Photoshop
Раздел: 3
Photoshop — retouching
  1. Layers and Layer Mask - whats that?
  2. Selecting objects with different tools
  3. Selecting with Quick Mask and modifying selections
  4. Selecting and modifying selections using channels
  5. Shaping selections
  6. Shaping with Liquify Filter
  7. Removing spots, dust & scratches - Part 1
  8. Removing spots, dust & scratches - Part 2
  9. Adjustment Layers - adjustments in a smart way
  10. Changing the background - part 1
  11. Changing the background - part 2
  12. Sharpening (global and selective)
  13. Focus repair
  14. Blurring parts of the picture (shallow depth of field)
  15. Converting to Black and White
  16. Image Size & Canvas Size
Раздел: 4
Saving and publishing your pictures
  1. Different file formats for different purposes
  2. Preparing Pictures for the Internet (social media, blog, websites...)
Раздел: 5
Bonus lectures - Case studies and resources
  1. Pimp my cheeseburger! Part 1
  2. Pimp my cheeseburger! Part 2
  3. Pimp my cheeseburger! Part 3
  4. Simple lighting setup with the light from one side (window)
  5. Conclusion
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Цена на момент создания темы: 782 руб. (12$)
Цена на момент покупки составила 847 руб. (13$)