Небольшой каркасный дом в стиле бунгало
Предлагаю собрать складчину. Дом маленький, но на проект взглянуть любопытно. Размеры 4,5 метра х 10 метров
Designed as a very tiny bungalow, this design comes with several options to suit your needs. You can choose between a sleeping loft upstairs, or a cathedral ceiling. We also have a smaller version without the downstairs bedroom at the back of the house (See plan 915-9). Designed with simplicity in mind, this home has an abundance of light, and yet is very simply designed. The kitchen maximizes space and includes a dishwasher, full size range with oven, and built in microwave. The tank-less on demand water heater ensures that you never run out of hot water, and tucks away completely out of view. A small fireplace is tucked nicely in the corner of the great room. The smaller version has a washer/dryer combo in the kitchen, whereas the larger version has a stack-able washer and dryer closet. We don't count the loft as square footage in this house because with so much sloped ceiling, it doesn't officially qualify as a habitable room. Subsequently, the loft can add over 100 feet of usable space, and it is accessed by a drop down stair ladder. At its highest point the loft is 6' 4" tall, which encompasses over 50 square feet of space. This house is not designed to be portable, but comes with a poured concrete perimeter foundation. However, it is possible to put this house on a slab foundation or even over a basement. When you purchase these plans, you'll receive 2 sets, each containing 13 total pages A complete set of plans with a cathedral ceiling over the main room A complete set of plans with a full loft over the main room
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Цена 759 $.houseplans.com/plan/356-square-feet-1-bedroom-1-bathroom-0-garage-bungalow-39325