phpStatistics - Social Tracking Tool for Instagram, YouTube и др[/B][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][SIZE=5][B]В библиотеке версия от 30 сентября 2019. Продукт снят с продажи. Обновлений больше нет![/B][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=#ff0000]Складчина на русификацию скрипта[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE=4][B]phpStatistics [/B]- это онлайн-инструмент для отслеживания социальных сетей, который дает вам возможность отслеживать неограниченные учетные записи из разных социальных сетей (включая YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Tumblr), включая отслеживание по дням, премиум-аккаунты, списки топ-листов, систему избранных, красивую и сложную панель администратора, с которой вы можете управлять всем сайтом. [B]Он также поставляется с платежным шлюзом Paypal и Stripe, чтобы ваши пользователи могли приобретать преимущества с вашего сайта.
Что можно отслеживать[/B][/SIZE]
[B]Как это выглядит[/B]
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[*][B]Check out the demo for a full feature list[/B]
[*][B]Paypal Gateway:[/B] PayPal ready for your users to buy stuff from you
[*][B]Stripe Gateway[/B]
[*][B]Instagram Tracker:[/B] Track detailed statistics about your Followers, Following and Upload count day by day
[*][B]Youtube Tracker:[/B] Track detailed statistics about your Subscribers, Videos and Views count day by day
[*][B]Twitter Tracker:[/B] Track detailed statistics about your Followers, Following and Tweets count day by day
[*][B]Twitch Tracker:[/B] Track detailed statistics about your Followers, Views count day by day
[*][B]Tumblr Tracker:[/B] Track detailed statistics about your Posts count day by day
[*][B]Live Social Counter:[/B] Live Followers/ Subscribers counter for any accounts on the website
[*][B]Premium Detailed Statistics:[/B] Premium Details with more charts and date selector for accounts which have purchased the Premium Packages from the website
[*][B]Future Projections:[/B] Get future projections for any account on the website, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube..etc
[*][B]Top 10 Lists for every Social Network:[/B] Get a detailed list view of the best accounts you are tracking
[*][B]Facebook Login / Registration [/B]for users accounts
[*][B]Instagram Login / Registration [/B]for users accounts
[*][B]Favorites System:[/B] Any logged in account can keep track of their favorite accounts listed on the website
[*][B]No Ads Package:[/B] Users who don’t want any ads, can purchase the No ads package
[*][B]Premium Package:[/B] Premium account package for users who want more details of the social accounts
[*][B]Responsive Design:[/B] Perfectly working on any screen size
[*][B]Clean and modern design[/B]
[*][B]Evolution Charts[/B]
[*][B]Cron Job available if needed[/B]
[*][B]many more..[/B]
[SIZE=5][B]Admin Features[/B][/SIZE]
[*][B]Automatic Payment System:[/B] Earn money with packages sold through points ( Paypal )
[*][B]Custom Pages:[/B] Easy add / edit / delete custom pages directly from the admin panel.
[*][B]Users Management:[/B] View, Edit, Activate / Disable, Delete Users
[*][B]Links Management:[/B] View, Edit, Delete Links
[*][B]Dynamic Titles:[/B] Each page has a dynamic title, with the option to change your websites name
[*]Restriction for Image Sizes
[*][B]Analytics Ready[/B] Just enter your analytics tracking id and you’re ready to go
[*][B]4 Ready Adspots[/B]
[*][B]reCaptcha:[/B] Setup your recaptcha directly from the admin panel
[*][B]Multi Language System:[/B] Easy 1 file translation
[*][B]Statistics with Charts:[/B] Great overall and monthly statistics
[*][B]Complex Settings Controler:[/B] A lot of admin settings possibilities for your website and api’s implementations.
[*]Reset option for each of the account sources and logs
[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#ff0000]Также обязательно посмотрите еще вот эту складчину[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Username: admin
Password: admin
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