Reproductively Active Chemicals A Reference Guide Richard J. Lewis, Sr. Adverse effects on the human reproductive system due to chemical exposure are a growing concern of occupational safety and health professionals. While the effects of certain chemicals can be difficult to detect, and often go unnoticed or are mistakenly attributed to other causes, they can drastically increase risks of infertility, sterility, birth defects, and post-birth complications. Written by one of the foremost authorities in the field today, Reproductively Active Chemicals is the first book to identify, compile, and fully document the effects of more than 3,300 chemical substances known or suspected to cause adverse effects on human reproductive health. This major reference work features:
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- Cross-indexes by synonym and identification number
- Vital information drawn from authoritative sources on hazardous chemicals, including chemical properties, toxicity, and synonyms
- Toxic effects indicating reported dominant reproductive effects
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