An easy-to-use compendium of practical information, valuableadvice, and friendly guidance for today's job hunter
The Job Hunter's Catalog
Here's a guide to job hunting that puts everything you need to landthe job of your dreams right at your fingertips. Organized aroundconcise, handy features--including Do's & Don'ts, Checklists,Success Strategies, and Smart Ideas--it gives you quick access towhat you need at every stage of your job search. And it's allthere: savvy advice on researching job openings, creating resumesand cover letters, devising job-search strategies, handlinginterviews, negotiating job offers, and much more.
The Job Hunter's Catalog is enriched by the author's twenty-plusyears of experience as a careers columnist and the hundreds ofhints, tips, and techniques she's collected from headhunters,placement directors, recruiters, and interviewers. As a result,this book functions as a wise counselor who gives you guidance onsuch matters as how to dress, behave, and speak more convincinglyin your job search and how to adapt this advice to your own styleand personality. You'll get detailed self-check lists of things youmay be doing, saying, or omitting that can hurt your chances ofgetting a job. You'll get just the right kind of coaching andencouragement to put you over the top and into the position youreally want.
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The Job Hunter's Catalog
Here's a guide to job hunting that puts everything you need to landthe job of your dreams right at your fingertips. Organized aroundconcise, handy features--including Do's & Don'ts, Checklists,Success Strategies, and Smart Ideas--it gives you quick access towhat you need at every stage of your job search. And it's allthere: savvy advice on researching job openings, creating resumesand cover letters, devising job-search strategies, handlinginterviews, negotiating job offers, and much more.
The Job Hunter's Catalog is enriched by the author's twenty-plusyears of experience as a careers columnist and the hundreds ofhints, tips, and techniques she's collected from headhunters,placement directors, recruiters, and interviewers. As a result,this book functions as a wise counselor who gives you guidance onsuch matters as how to dress, behave, and speak more convincinglyin your job search and how to adapt this advice to your own styleand personality. You'll get detailed self-check lists of things youmay be doing, saying, or omitting that can hurt your chances ofgetting a job. You'll get just the right kind of coaching andencouragement to put you over the top and into the position youreally want.
Формат: Скан PDf